Daniel Cosner
Daniel Cosner, is the Business Manager and Financial Secretary of Electrical Workers Local Union 351, a labor union which represents over 2,600 members. Mr. Cosner has been a member of Local 351 since he began his apprenticeship in 1987. He started serving the local union on the Executive Board in 1997, and was appointed as a Business Agent in 2001. He also serves as a Trustee to the Pension, Surety and Health and Welfare Funds of Local 351, as well as Chairman of the IBEW Local 351 Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee.
In 2013, he was elected President of the 20,000 member Southern New Jersey Building Trades Council and was appointed Secretary/Treasurer of the New Jersey State Electrical Workers Association in 2016.
Mr. Cosner has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Union Organization of Social Services located in Camden County and has also served as Vice President of the Camden County Central Labor Council AFL-CIO since 2015.
Mr. Cosner resides in Gloucester City with his two children, Jennifer and Daniel.